Hand holding a white Senior Off-Season pass.

Off-Season Senior Citizen Pass

Offered annually to Washington state residents who are 62 years of age or older.

Senior Off-Season pass update

State Parks will not honor Off-Season discounts for reservations made before the purchase of an Off-Season Pass.  Passes must be purchased each year and are not valid for advanced reservations made for future off-season periods.

Pass benefits

The pass provides 1 site per night of free camping or moorage ($10 will be charged for utility sites per night). It's valid seven days a week from Oct 1 to March 31 and Sunday through Thursday in April.  

Discounts apply to reservation made during the off-season period only.

The pass costs $75. 

Senior Citizen Limited Income pass holders may purchase the Off Season Pass for $37.50, a 50% discount.

Passes expires April 30 annually.

Download the Discount Pass Program brochure (166MB).

How to apply 

Applications will not be accepted prior to Sept. 1.  Do not submit multiple applications, this may result in a delay.

  • Download the Senior Off-Season pass application (PDF).
  • Get an application at many state parks (see list of locations below).
  • Request an application by calling (360) 902-8844 or the Washington Telecommunication Relay Service at (800) 833-6388.

Proof of residency

You must be a current Washington State resident for at least 3 consecutive months. *Submit 1 of the following:

  • Valid Washington State driver license or identification card.
  • Valid Washington State voter registration card (not accepted at park sales locations).
  • Washington State senior citizen property tax exemption (not accepted at park sales locations).

Proof of age (if not applying with a driver license or ID card).

You must be 62 or older. *Submit 1 of the following:

  • Birth certificate
  • Baptismal certificate
  • Notarized affidavit of age

Do NOT mail original documents.  Original documents must be provided if buying a pass in person.  A copy of your documentation may be collected.

You must submit an application to buy a pass.

*We may request additional information or documentation.


Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
PO Box 42650
Olympia, WA 98504

We accept checks or money orders through mail. Checks should be made payable to Washington State parks.

Park sales locations

Passes go on sale starting September 1. Some parks sell out of passes. Please call the park for availability or to make an appointment with park staff.

 Southwest Washington:

Information Center at Parks headquarters Mount Saint Helens Visitor Center
Battleground Lake State Park Ocean City State Park
Belfair State Park Pacific Beach State park
Cape Disappointment State Park Paradise Point State Park
Grayland Beach State Park Penrose Point State Park
Ike Kinswa State Park Potlatch State park
Illahee State Park Scenic Beach State Park
Kitsap Memorial State Park Seaquest State Park
Lake Sylvia State Park Twanoh State Park
Manchester State Park Twin Harbors State Park
Millersylvania State Park  

 Northwest Washington:

Bay View State Park Fort Flagler State Park
Birch Bay State Park Fort Worden State Park
Cama Beach Historical State Park Kanaskat-Palmer State Park
Dash Point State Park Lake Sammamish State Park
Deception Pass State Park Moran State Park
Dosewallips State Park Rasar State Park
Fort Casey State Park Saint Edwards State Park
Fort Ebey State Park Sequim Bay State Park

Eastern Washington:

Eastern Region office by appointment only Pearrygin Lake State Park
Curlew Lake State Park Potholes State Park
Conconully State Park Riverside State Park office on Charles Rd
Ginkgo Petrified Forest /Wanapum Recreation Area Sacajawea State Park by appointment only
Lake Easton State Park Steamboat Rock State Park
Lake Wenatchee State Park Sun Lakes/Dry Falls State Park
Lewis and Clark Trail State Park by appointment only Wenatchee Confluence State Park
Lincoln Rock State Park Yakima Sportsman State Park
Maryhill State Park  


How To Use the Pass

You can start using your discount once you have been issued a pass and have it physically with you.

Make reservations by calling (888) 226-7688 or visitwashington.goingtocamp.com. You can also use your pass for first come, first served camping.

Reservations made before Sept. 1 and before the purchase of you pass will not qualify for the off-season discount.

When making a reservation, provide your pass number, starting with the issue year, followed by the letter "O", and your unique 5-digit number. Leave the dash out when reserving online with no spaces.

Need help planning your winter camping adventures? Visit our online winter schedule.  This pass is not accepted at Sno-Parks.

Discount pass rules and expectations

If you are using a discount pass there are some basic rules you'll need to follow. 

Pass holder expectations

Do not alter or make copies of your pass. Never share your pass or pass number with others. Pass holders will be charged $15 for replacements.

The pass holder must cancel reservations if unable to use them.

Camping rules

The pass holder must be camping and present at the site to receive a discount. The pass is only valid for the person it is issued to. The pass must be valid and physically with you during your visit. Be prepared to provide photo ID.

All camping discounts and associated benefits are limited to the site the pass holder is camping in. Discounts and fee reductions are limited to 1 campsite or moorage site per night.

Discount doesn't apply to reservations made before purchasing your pass each year.

Do not make duplicate or multiple reservations for the same night. Including double sites.

Park rules

While it is important that you follow all park rules, these rules are important for pass holders to understand:

Violations of these rules, or any other park rules, may result in pass benefit suspension or revocation. Must surrender pass upon request.


Contact Us

Name Discount Pass Program
Department Information Center
Phone (360) 902-8844
Email infocent@parks.wa.gov
Fax (360) 586 6640