We're updating our camping and moorage fees to continue providing great experiences for visitors amid inflation and rising costs. You will see a rate increase for camping stays booked for May 15 and beyond. Moorage fees will increase Jan. 1. Learn more here.
State Purchasing
Bidders must complete the registration process in Washington's Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS) system and ensure the download of the solicitation document, along with all appendices and incorporated documents pertaining to the solicitation.
Notification of any addenda, amendments, or bidder's questions and answers will only be shared with registered bidders who have obtained the solicitation from WEBS. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in incomplete, inaccurate, or insufficient information for the bidder.
State Parks reserves the right to revise all bids. All changes will be made by written amendment or addendum. All official notifications will be posted in WEBS and will automatically become incorporated as part of the bid documents.
Bid opportunities
RFP 325-577 Jarrell Cove & Mystery Bay Marine Fabrication
RFP 325-561 Mooring Buoy Anchors
RFP 325-560 Potholes-Food Service
RFP 325-549 Twanoh-Food Concession
RFP 325-550 D Pass-Bowman Bay Flt Dock
RFQ 325-432 Pearrygin Lk- West CmpGrnd Dev
RFQ 325-483 Mt. Spokane Trail Modifications
RFP 325-476 Ft. Worden-CampusBuildings - Canceled
RFP 325-420 Automated Pay Stations
RFP 325-475 Life Jacket Wear Rate Study
IFB 325-418 Nisqually-FHT-Log Sale
RFP 325-418 Nisqually FHT-Harvest
RFP 325-415 7-Mile FHT-Harvest
IFB 325-416 7-Mile-FHT Log Sale
325-342 Mt St Helens-SMTG-Rebid
RFP 325-326 Touchet Corral-SMTG-Rebid
RFQ 325-448 Ft. Casey-Admiralty LH ADA
RFQ 325-421 Klickitat Trail Segment
RFP 325-342 WR Mt St Helens SMTG-Rebid
RFP 325-389 Ft. Worden Lease Valuation
RFQ 325-374 Dry Falls VC Contract Documents
RFQ 325-236 PTC Rock Lake to Idaho
RFQ 325-235 PTC - Malden to Kenova
RFQQ 325-232 Traumatic Counseling
RFP 325-218 MSHVC Food and Beverage
RFQ 325-220 Facilitation Services-Tribal
RFP 325-133 Sucia Pumpout Barge
RFP 325-204 Lincoln Rock Food Concession
RFP 325-180 Ike Kinswa water Rentals
RFP 325-179 Ike Kinswa Food Concession
RFQ 325-132 Sacajawea Projects
RFQ 325-090 Fire Alarms-Ft Worden-Amd2
RFQ 325-090 Fire Alarms-Ft Worden-Amd1
RFQ 325-090 Fire Alarms-Ft Worden
RFQ 325-022 Pumpout Assessment
RFP 325-021 MSHVC-FabInstall-Amd2
RFP 325-021 MSHVC-FabInstall-Amd1
RFP 325-085 Floats Extensions-Amd2
RFP 325-085 Floats Extensions-Amd1
RFP 325-085 Floats Extensions-PreBid Notes
RFP 325-085 Floats Extensions-Dwgs
RFP 325-085 Floats Extensions-Specs
RFP 123-517 Discover Pass-Amd1
RFP 123-517 Discover Pass-Amd2
RFP 325-081 Cabin Creek-Erling-XCTG
RFP 325-052 Mt St Helens Area-SR-Amd1
Announcements of successful bidders
RFQ 325-448 Ft. Casey Admiralty LH ADA-ASC
RFP 325-389 Ft. Worden Lease Valuation-ASB
RFP 325-339 Naches Area-SR-ASB
RFQ 325-374 Dry Falls-Contract Docs-ASC
RFQ 325-236 PTC Rock Lake to Idaho-ASC
RFQ 325-235 PTC Malden to Kenova-ASC
RFQQ 325-232 Traumatic Counseling Servs-ASC
RFQ 325-220 Facilitation Services-Tribal-ASC
RFP 325-204 Lincoln Rock Food Concession-ASB
RFP 325-133 Sucia Pumpout Barge-ASB
RFQ 325-132 Sacajawea Projects-ASC
RFP 325-085 RFP Floats Extensions-ASB
RFP 325-081 Cabin Creek-Erling-XCTG-ASB
RFP 325-052 Mt St Helens Area-SR-ASB
RFP 325-048 Colville Area-SMTG-ASB
RFQQ 123-529 Exhibits Fab and Install-ASB
RFQQ 325-018 On-Call RRMM Services-ASB
RFQ 123-553 Ocean City-Fish Barrier-ASB