We're updating our camping and moorage fees to continue providing great experiences for visitors amid inflation and rising costs. You will see a rate increase for camping stays booked for May 15 and beyond. Moorage fees will increase Jan. 1. Learn more here.
Please follow these rules while detecting in state parks. This will ensure that parks remain open to hobbyists and facilities and resources are protected. Contact park staff for additional information.
Users of metal detectors must register first with Washington State Parks and comply with posted regulations. The registration form, rules, and a list of parks that allow detecting may be found below in the Metal Detecting in Washington State Parks brochure.
Complete the online registration form here.
Metal detecting is permitted only within specified portions of approved state parks (check park pages for maps of metal detecting areas). Parks that permit metal detecting will have maps and registration information posted at the park; if no information is posted, the park does not permit this activity.
Metal detecting in camping areas, within the approved boundaries, is permitted only in unoccupied campsites
Any find that appears to have historical or archaeological significance may not be removed from where it was found. Report all findings immediately to a park employee. Do not pick up or move any artifacts and do not further disturb the area.
Properly dispose of all found or recovered litter.
Group-detecting events require a special recreation event application (PDF).
Metal detecting is a fun, easy outdoor activity. To get started you may need a few tools such as:
Different landscapes require different detectors. Salt water? Gold? Ask a local retailer for guidance. Don't forget to bring tools to help dig up your finds.
Sturdy boots and gloves are a good idea, along with protective knee pads for kneeling. Keep an eye on the weather and make sure you're wearing the right clothing.
Metal detectors are noisy so try to spare your fellow parkgoers from the repetitive beeps and boops. Headphones can also help save your metal detector's batteries.
It's a good idea to keep in mind the metal detector's Code of Ethics, especially if you're new to the activity:
I WILL always check federal, state, county and local laws before searching.
I WILL respect private property and do no metal detecting without the owner's permission.
I WILL fill all holes and excavations.
I WILL appreciate and protect our heritage of natural resources, wildlife and private property.
I WILL use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtesy at all times.
I WILL leave gates as found.
I WILL remove and properly dispose of any trash that I find.
I WILL NOT litter.
I WILL NOT destroy property, buildings or what is left of ghost towns and deserted structures.
I WILL NOT tamper with signs, structural facilities or equipment.
Use the Find a Park Page to see maps and visitor guides for a specific park.