Collage of photos: beach cliffs, view of island, newt on lichen, forest trail with trees and ferns, tall tree, people riding horses, people taking pictures

Miller Peninsula State Park Property Planning

Project summary

The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is developing a long-range plan for its property located on Miller Peninsula. This 2,800-acre undeveloped park is located in the north Olympic Peninsula, just east of Sequim and north of Highway 101 in Clallam County. The property includes a trail system for hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians through a beautiful second-growth forest. It also includes three miles of saltwater shoreline on the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Discovery Bay, but most of the shore is high-bank, so shore access is limited.

  • Estimated start date: January 2023
  • Estimated end date: June 2025
  • Budget: State Parks requested funding for the Master Planning, Cultural Resource Survey, and an Environmental Impact Statement for the 2023-25 biennium, which includes $200k to be spent by June 30, 2024, followed by $400k to be spent by June 30, 2025.

Planning project outcomes include: 

  • Land classifications for the park
  • A long-term park boundary
  • A park Master Plan
  • A predesign report providing detail on the first phase of development
  • An official park name
  • Cultural Resource Survey
  • Environmental Impact Statement


The project will also consider changes to the nearby Sequim Bay State Park so that the two parks provide complimentary experiences.

Community participation

The planning process will include multiple opportunities for the public to provide input on the project. This page will be regularly updated throughout the process with relevant documents and with the public comments received. 

Miller Peninsula Survey

State Parks balances providing recreational opportunities with environmental protection. We'd like your help finding the right balance for State Parks Property on Miller Peninsula: take our survey and tell us what you think.

We Want to Hear from You

The public can provide written comments and questions online.

Planning Process

Our park planning processes are designed to incorporate public comment through Commission meetings, community meetings and events, and from your emails and letters. We continue to receive many comments on the planning process for Miller Peninsula that have highlighted important considerations for the management and future development of this property, including water availability, traffic analysis, fire analysis, and environmental impacts.

The continuation of public engagement and the development of the Master Plan, CAMP, and Environmental Impact Statement will allow State Parks to continue to work with the public to explore alternatives and provide information on issues and concerns raised during the planning process.

Project history

In July 2016, the Commission adopted a Statewide Acquisition and Development Strategy to guide the agency’s decision‐making on land acquisition and park development. The Strategy indicated that the first implementation effort would be to identify a property for new park development from among those that were being held for future development. The Commission narrowed the list of candidate parks in 2018 to Fisk State Park Property, Westport Light State Parks, and Miller Peninsula State Park Property. In November 2019, the Commission selected Miller Peninsula for development of a new full-service state park.

Classification and Management Plan (CAMP) Planning Process:

Stage one - Identify issues and concerns

The purpose of this stage is to understand what is important to the park community, what to change or save in the state park. This helps get a sense of the range and type of issues that need to be considered through the planning process.

Stage two – Exploring alternative approaches

At this stage, the planning team suggests potential alternative approaches to address the various issues and concerns raised by people in stage one. No preferred alternative is established; rather this is an opportunity to understand the range of possibilities.

Stage three – Preparing preliminary recommendations

The best ideas from the alternative approaches developed in stage two are combined into a preliminary plan in this stage. The plan includes recommendations for use and development of land, changes to property boundaries and ways to address issues raised during the planning process. Another important document completed at this stage is the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist that describes environmental impacts of the recommendations.

Stage four – Preparing final recommendations

At stage four, final adjustments are made to recommendations and submitted to the seven-member Parks and Recreation Commission for approval. The public is encouraged to attend the Commission meeting and provide testimony or to provide written comment.


Contact Us

Name Lauren Bromley
Department Park Planner
Phone (360) 902-8844