A milepost marker sits slightly off the flat asphalt trail lined with green leafy and evergreen trees.

ADA Accessible Recreation

Learn about ADA recreation at State parks and use our interactive map to find parks with ADA features and amenities.

Interactive ADA Features Map

This interactive map will help you find the ADA features that are important to you. First, search by ADA feature, then select the park in the area you would like to visit.

When searching for multiple features, only the parks that have all the selected features will come up in the results. We will continue to update this map as more ADA facilities and features become available. 

Please note: Washington State Parks recognizes that not all features of the map below meets website accessibility and assistive technology standards. We have included this map as one of many resources for finding accessible recreation opportunities at our parks. If you cannot access this map, please call our State Parks Information Center at (360) 902 - 8844. 

Link to full-size map.

ADA at State Parks

To learn more about our Transition Plan and read our Notice of Non Discrimination and ADA Grievance Procedure, visit our ADA at State Parks page.

Read A Disabled Hikers Guide to Washington State Parks in King County

Map & visitor guide

Use the Find a Park Page to see maps and visitor guides for a specific park.