Deep Creek Canyon First Day Hike

There are currently no future events scheduled.
Led by Park Staff and volunteers, participants will hike to the overlook of the Deep Creek Canyon before descending to the Spokane River Centennial Trail to cross the Deep Creek bridge. Participants will then climb the first leg of the Deep Creek Interpretive trail as they make their way back to the trailhead. Snacks will be provided at the trailhead. Discover Pass is not required on January 1st.

Name of Trail: 400, Spokane River Centennial Trail, and 25

Length of Hike: 1.5 miles

Where to Meet: Deep Creek Trailhead, at the terminus of N State Park Dr, approximately 1/3 mile north after taking a right-hand turn off W Seven Mile Rd.

Is this Hike for Beginners? No

Suggested minimum age of children to attend: 8 years old

ADA Accessible? No

Stroller Accessible? No

Are leashed dogs allowed? Yes

Restrictions: Dogs are welcome on this hike but must be on leash at all times.

Registration Required: Yes, registration will be through Eventbrite.

Things to bring: Weather dependent: hiking boots, shoe traction cleats (yaktrax or other), waterproof or water-resistant boots, sunglasses, sunscreen, snowshoes, gators or waterproof pants. Trekking poles highly recommended.

Cancellation Information: Sarah Page, 509-570-4134,

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