We're updating our camping and moorage fees to continue providing great experiences for visitors amid inflation and rising costs. You will see a rate increase for camping stays booked for May 15 and beyond. Moorage fees will increase Jan. 1. Learn more here.
First Day Hike - Winter Critters of Lincoln Rock State Park
Name of Park: Lincoln Rock State Park
Time of Event: Noon
Name of Hike: Winter Critters and What They Eat
Length of Hike: 4 miles roundtrip
Where to Meet: Lincoln Rock State Park, Soccer Field parking lot
Is this Hike for Beginners? Yes
Degree of Difficulty: Easy
ADA Accessible? Yes
Stroller Accessible? Yes
Are leashed dogs allowed? Yes
Restrictions: Potential for ice and definitely cold weather, please layer appropriately!
Registration Required: Please register by emailing Daroga State Park’s Senior Park Aide, Sandra Dickinson at sandra.dickinson@parks.wa.gov OR Lincoln Rock State Park’s Senior Park Aide, Sarah Collamore at sarah.collamore@parks.wa.gov
Things to bring: Binoculars.
Cancellation Information: Please call Daroga State Park at 509-784-0229 OR Lincoln Rock State Park at 509-884-8702 if you must cancel.
Description: This will be an easy, meandering hike over relatively flat terrain on a paved ADA trail. Your guides will be Sandy and Sarah Beth, and while on the trail we’ll have a view over the rolling Columbia River. We will keep an eye out for our exciting variety of wildlife that call us home on their seasonal journeys and discuss how the plants help to sustain them. The adventure will conclude with a campfire for smores, roasting hot dogs, and Junior Ranger activities for the kiddoes.