Group of mix ages hikers with binoculars at Deception Pass

First Day Hike - Deception Pass State Park Hikes and Scavenger Hunt

There are currently no future events scheduled.
First day hikers are welcome to Bowman Bay, Deception Pass State Park for a fun morning of hikes and activities. Hikers will have the opportunity to look for birds and marine mammals while enjoying amazing views of the Salish Sea and rocky cliffs of Deception Pass.

Name of Park: Deception Pass State Park

Time of Event: 10:00 AM 

Where to Meet: Bowman Bay, upper picnic shelter

Is this Hike for Beginners? Yes

Degree of Difficulty: Easy to Hard (depending on selected hike)

ADA Accessible? No

Stroller Accessible? No

Are leashed dogs allowed? Yes

Restrictions: None

Registration Required: No

Things to bring: Snacks, water, warm clothes, hiking boots/sturdy shoes.

Cancellation Information: 360-228-5758 or 

Description: First day hikers are welcome to Bowman Bay, Deception Pass State Park for a fun morning of hikes and activities. Meet at the upper Bowman Bay shelter to enjoy delicious treats and a warm drink before breaking into groups to head off an explore the park. Whither exploring the bay or on the trail, hikers will have the opportunity to look for birds and marine mammals while experiencing amazing views of the Salish Sea and rocky cliffs of Deception Pass. Please contact park staff if you have questions about the difficulty level of hikes.

  • Rosario Head Hike - 2 miles round trip, 100ft gain
  • Lighthouse Loop Trail - 2 miles round trip, 150ft gain
  • Scavenger Hunt - around Bowman Bay and great for all ages



48.417256, -122.650668

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