Cherry blossom on a tree, blue sky background

Japanese Calligraphy

Event location: Tolmie State Park, Lower Kitchen Shelter


Open to all ages. No registration required - Seating is available for up to 40 people.

Annual or One Day Discover Pass is required for vehicle access. Discover Passes are available online and at park entrance.

Join artist Chiyo Sanada for a 2-hour introductory class in Japanese calligraphy at Tolmie State Park!

Washington State Parks Folk & Traditional Arts Program and Arbutus Folk School present:


A Japanese character (kanji) that means sakura cherry blossom, a branch of cherry blossom on top and a Japanese signature and some red stamps on white paper.

Join artist Chiyo Sanada for a 2-hour introductory class in Japanese calligraphy at Tolmie State Park! In celebration of Springtime in Japan, the class will focus on creating the kanji (Japanese character) that means "sakura cherry blossom," an important image in Japanese culture and history. Students will learn about the tools and basic brush strokes of calligraphy as well as the springtime traditions of Japan, and come home with their own work of calligraphy on paper. All necessary tools and materials will be provided. Supplies available for 40 participants, first come, first served. 

For inquiries, please contact Arbutus Folk School, email:; phone: 360-350-0187.

This event is accessible to persons with disabilities. If special accommodations are required in order to attend, please call (360) 701-7923. For hearing and speech-impaired, call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service (800) 833-6384. Requests must be made in advance.

Thanks to our partners and sponsors: Arbutus Folk School, National Endowment for the Arts, and Washington State Parks Foundations.


47.120433, -122.776829