Riverside - Volunteer Event - Plant Maintenance

Come join us near the Little Spokane Natural Area to maintain some plants that were planted several years ago. We will be removing fencing that was installed around the plants in order to keep deer and other critters from munching on them. Now that the plants are well established, we will be removing the barrier fences.

What to bring: 

-Discover Pass (we can supply one for the event)

-Gloves (we have some to share)

-Warm Layers

-Minors only: Note from guardian granting permission to attend the event

-Muck boots/Waders (optional- some areas are in a wetland, but we can stay out of these areas for now)


47.777796, -117.529839

Where to meet: 

13708 N Nine Mile Rd, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026

Across the street from Shoemaker Lane off of Hwy 291. Follow the gravel road to the end (1/4 mile) and park between the two large barns.

Related events

01 Feb

Riverside - Volunteer Event - Roadside Trash

Come out and help clean up roadside trash along Hwy 291 near the Spokane House Interpretive Center (SHIC)!  
09 Feb

Riverside - Volunteer Event - Forest Health - Thinning

Come join us near Bowl & Pitcher to thin a stand of overcrowded trees along Trail 211 (handsaws/loppers). Removing some trees will allow mature trees to grow larger, helps more light reach the forest floor to support understory vegetation, and reduces the fuel load in the event of a fire.
27 Apr

Spokane River Run

The Spokane River Run is a series of trail runs through Riverside State Park.