Person looking through scope for birds while other people use binoculars

Bird Walk - Deception Pass

Event location: Cornet Bay Marina, Deception Pass State Park

No registration required. 

Discover some of the common, and not so common, species of birds which call Deception Pass State Park home.

Bird Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats, and learn from other birders. We recommend bringing your own binoculars and/or scopes, but we will have a few on hand to borrow. All walks are offered in partnership with the Whidbey Audubon Society. 

Duration: 10:00AM - 12:00PM

Location: Cornet Bay - Hoypus Point, Deception Pass State Park


48.3999572, -122.6256188

160 Cornet Bay Rd, Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Use the address listed above to navigate to Cornet Bay Marina. As Cornet Bay Rd navigates you through a section of private property, continue straight. Drive past the Deception Pass State Park entrance sign to the right and enter the boat ramp parking lot. Restrooms are available at this location.

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