Three children poke their heads out of a tent. They are smiling.

Proposed Camping Stay Limits WAC Update

Project summary

We asked campers to weigh in on proposed changes to the camping stay limits WAC. Stay limits are outlined in Section 7 of WAC 352-32-030.

The proposed update limits maximum stay lengths to no more than 10 nights in one park within a 30-day period. Total nights stayed cannot exceed 90 days per calendar year in all state parks. The goal of the update is to make camping stay limits clear and consistent for our visitors. It also aims to improve equity by shortening the number of days campers can stay annually to accommodate more recreational use of these facilities.

The proposal was presented to the Commission during its regular meeting on July 18, 2024. The proposal was approved. The new stay limits will go into effect Aug. 19, 2024. 

WAC language 

Read the full WAC here

Newly-adopted language: 

“In order to afford the general public the greatest possible use of the state park system, on a fair and equal basis, and to prevent residential use, continuous occupancy of facilities by the same camping party shall be limited. The maximum length of stay shall be no more than ten nights in one park within a thirty-day period. Total nights stayed not to exceed 90 days per calendar year in all state parks.   

(a) Length of stay limits shall be established by the director or designee.

(b) These limitations shall not apply to those individuals who meet the qualifications of WAC 352-32-280 and 352-32-285.” 

Old language: 

“In order to afford the general public the greatest possible use of the state park system, on a fair and equal basis, and to prevent residential use, continuous occupancy of facilities by the same camping party shall be limited. April 1 through September 30: The maximum length of stay during this period shall be established annually for each park by the director or designee and shall be no less than ten and no more than fourteen nights. Campers may stay the established maximum consecutive nights in one park, after which the camping party must vacate the park for three consecutive nights. October 1 through March 31: The maximum length of stay is twenty nights. Campers may stay twenty consecutive nights in one park, after which the camping party must vacate the park for three consecutive nights, not to exceed forty days in a sixty-day time period. These limitations shall not apply to those individuals who meet the qualifications of WAC 352-32-280 and 352-32-285.” 

Existing reservations 

Parks will honor existing reservations for stays that extend beyond 10 nights, or existing reservations over the new 90-night maximum before Aug. 19.  

After Aug. 19, visitors will not be permitted to make a reservation for more than 10 nights or to make a new reservation that pushes them beyond the 90-night limit. 

Community participation

Public comment

Parks accepted public comment on the proposed stay limit change from June 1 to July 12. Themes gathered from the comments will be provided to the Commission during the July 18, 2024 presentation. 

Commission presentation

Learn more about the changes in the staff presentation to the commission on July 18, 2024.