Stewardship programs
We research, develop and make accessible a variety of natural, cultural and historic park resources and information.
When you contact us with questions about a resources in a State park, please indicate which park and be as specific as possible.
Historic preservation
Learn about our cultural resources management policy (PDF).
For more information on cultural resource management plans, historic structure reports, and other historic preservation information, email the historic preservation team.
Interpretive Services
Read how we take care of our historic and cultural recourse in our Collections (PDF) and Interpretive (PDF) policies.
For more information on collections management, including the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), email the cultural resources team.
Learn about State parks interpretive program vision and principles (PDF).
For more information on interpretive plans and projects, email the interpretation team.
Natural resources policies and information
Explore how we protect rare habitat in the critical areas policy (PDF) and the natural resources management policy (PDF).
For more information on vegetation and rare plant surveys, forest health assessments, and other natural resource management information, email the natural resources team.
Sustainability in the parks
Learn about State park sustainability goals (PDF) and our sustainability policy (PDF).
For more information on sustainability projects in state parks, email the sustainability team.